The Barometer and sustainable development
The Sustainable Development Goals define a shared global vision of key public goods, setting out a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.
The Sustainable Development Goals are foundational to the Global Data Barometer. Many Barometer indicators can be cross-referenced with SDGs and the SDGs have strongly influenced our selection of themes. Rather than tracking whether the indicator data needed to measure the SDGs is being provided (which is already well tracked in existing work), we’re looking at how data is being used as a tool to address the challenges the SDGs set, such as providing quality education and healthcare for all or building strong institutions. That is, the Barometer will provide evidence on how data is being used, on the ground, to meet many of the 17 goals.
The Barometer will also respond to a number of other key policy processes.
- World Development Report 2021 – Data for Better Lives
The Barometer will address the different data flows taken up by WDR2021, supporting the collection of additional case studies. Further, Barometer data will provide opportunities to benchmark and track country progress against selected WDR recommendations.
- UN Secretary General’s Data Strategy – Action by Everyone, Everywhere
With its focus on thematic areas, the Barometer takes a problem-driven approach centred around use cases. Similar to the UN Secretary General’s Data Strategy, we focus on maximising the potential of data from a foundation of strong data governance that is grounded in human rights.
Thematic partnerships
Many of our thematic partners work within the Sustainable Development Goals framework. Read more about our areas of thematic focus.
Making connections
How can Barometer data help you plan, act, and evaluate work that uses data to structure sustainable development? Sign up for our mailing list, get in touch, and join consultations on GDB methods to help us make the most of our data collection activities.